
Sub Affiliate Tracking ID.
Savvy and sophisticated webmasters can take advantage of our powerful sub-tracking IDs to track performance of different segments of web surfers.
Each affiliate account can create endless number of sub affiliate tracking IDs to track the performance of specific marketing efforts. For example, if you have multiple websites you can track how each website performs by assigning it a unique sub tracking ID. There is no need to create multiple affiliate accounts to track different sources of traffic - simply create as many sub IDs as you need under the same affiliate account.
Custom Link Options
Generate a link to a specific product page using our Custom Link options. Custom Linking works great if you have a particular niche market where Internet users are interested in a specific item. Custom linking to a particular product page results in increased conversion rates and sales.
Direct Linking Option
Direct linking helps boost your search engine rank by using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) friendly links. Direct Link Tracking is a more advanced linking method that does not require a redirect through our software. With this method, the user would simply go directly from your web site to our landing page.
Multi-Tier Webmaster Referral Linking
Our advanced affiliate tracking system supports multi-tier/multi-level affiliate tracking with up to 2 Tiers! With a multi-tier affiliate tracking system, not only are you rewarded for sending direct sales to our web site, but you also get rewarded for encouraging other webmasters to join our affiliate program.